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Rückkopplung (Auf englisch):
Ron Masak Actor - 22. Januar 2021 Ronald Alan Masak (born July 1, 1936 Chicago, IL) is an American actor. He began as a stage performer, and much of his work was in theater until he transitioned to film and television, where he became a familiar character actor. As with many performers, it was the Army that provided Ron with a platform from which to display his all-around talents for performing, writing and directing. In 1960-61, Ron toured the world doing vocal impressions in the all-Army show entitled "Rolling Along". Masak's first screen role was as the Harmonica Man in "The Purple Testament", an episode of The Twilight Zone in 1960.
He is perhaps best known for a recurring role on Murder, She Wrote as the Cadillac convertible-driving Sheriff, Mort Metzger.
Sent him 2 photos on 9 Jan and got them back signed on 22 Jan.
Wrote to his home via an address in Thousand Oaks but the address on my return envelope was
c/o MSW
100 Universal City Plaza
Universtal City, CA 91608 |
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Ron Masak Success! - 28. November 2020 I wrote to Mr. Masak on 11/16/2020 and received a reply on 11/18/2020
Ron Masak
337 Fox Hills Dr
Thousand Oaks, CA 91361-1304
http://surfmypictures.com/photo/ae2f0b3117690b1f/kdtrw/Ron_Masak.jpg |      |
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Ron Masak (Murder, She Wrote) Success - 10. Januar 2012 I sent LOR on email. Received signed photo.
Sent: 17 November 2011
Received: 10 January 2012
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