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Sherwood Schwartz
Sherwood Schwartz
Drehbuchautor / Filmproduzent Forum
Auch: Bearbeiten Veröffentlichen ihre rückkopplung
Geburtstag: 14. November 1916 Autogramm-galerie von Sherwood Schwartz
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Rückkopplung: 6/6/2011 >>>


Sherwood Schwartz

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Rückkopplung (Auf englisch):

Sherwood Schwartz (Brady Bunch creator) Success w/ extra! - 07. Juni 2011
Sent: May 19th 2011 Received: June 6th 2011 Address Used: Sherwood Schwartz Redwood Productions 1865 Carla Rdg Beverly Hills, CA 90210-1936 USA I knew that Sherwood sent out 8x10 PPs so I sent my own photo to see how that would go. I sent 4x6 photos and envelopes that will fit that. I received an 8x10 envelope with his return address on it so I assumed that he just sent the PPs. I open to find three 8x10s (a headshot, Brady Bunch photo, and Gilligans Island photo) and my 4x6 signed by both Sherwood and his son Lloyd on the back! I had recently read the book they co-wrote and sent a photo of them from their book signing. Sherwood wrote "Dear Taylor, Best Wishes Always. Sherwood Schwartz" and Lloyd wrote "Taylor, Very nice picture! You make us look good. Lloyd J. Schwartz". I guess he thought I took the photo but I really took from Google <img src= Excited for this success! Love "The Brady Bunch" and if anyone else is a fan their book is very interesting! - - - -

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