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Nancy Malone
Nancy Malone
Schauspielerin / Filmregisseurin
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Geburtstag: 19. Marz 1935 Autogramm-galerie von Nancy Malone
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Rückkopplung: 6/3/2014 >>>


Nancy Malone

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Rückkopplung (Auf englisch):

Nancy Malone success - 07. März 2014
Sent a LOR, a photo (The Twilight Zone) and SASE on 1/7/2014 Received photo signed and personalized on 3/6/2014 Address used (from database): Nancy Malone Lilac Productions 4604 Ledge Ave. Toluca Lake, CA 91602-1536 Uploaded with ###://

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actress "Nancy Malone" success - 02. Oktober 2012
Actress, principally in guest roles from the 1950s to 1970s, who moved into producing and directing in the 1980s and 1990s. She played "Libby" on the TV series Naked City from 1960 to 1963. During the same period, she played the character "Robin Lang Bowden Fletcher" on the daytime soap opera Guiding Light. She subsequently played "Clara Varner" on the TV series The Long Hot Summer, which ran for one season on ABC, as well as appearing opposite Nick Adams in The Outer Limits episode Fun and Games and Barry Nelson in the Twilight Zone episode "Stopover in a Quiet Town." In 1976, she became the first female vice-president of television at 20th Century Fox. In 1977 she was awarded one of the first Crystal Awards by Women in Film for outstanding women who, through their endurance and the excellence of their work, have helped to expand the role of women within the entertainment industry. She won an Emmy Award for producing Bob Hope: The First 90 Years (1993) (TV) and was nominated for Emmy Awards for directing episodes of Sisters in (1991), and The Trials of Rosie ONeill in (1992). mailed photo 7-11-12 received signed 9-18-12 used private resident address Toluca Lake, Ca -

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