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Mary Tyler Moore Mary Tyler MooreMary Tyler MooreMary Tyler Moore
Fotos von Mary Tyler Moore (2009-07-01)
Mary Tyler Moore
Schauspielerin Forum
Auch: Bearbeiten Veröffentlichen ihre rückkopplung
Geburtstag: 29. Dezember 1936 Autogramm-galerie von Mary Tyler Moore
Offizielle seite: Bearbeiten
E-mail: MTMPix at
Rückkopplung: 14/8/2009 >>>


Mary Tyler Moore

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Wie man fanpost und autogrammbitten an Mary Tyler Moore schickt?:

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Rückkopplung (Auf englisch):

Mary Tyler Moore-Fail RTS - 12. März 2013
Sent photo, LOR and SASE to MTM on 12/24/12. RTS-Unable to Forward on 1/20/13. Used 510 E. 86th St, 21A, New York, NY 10028.

Kommentare hinzufügen | 3 kommentare | Zurück an den Absender Die Adresse wurde als 'Zurück an den Absender' gekennzeichnet.
Das bedeutet, dass die Post die Sendung nicht an die angegebene Adresse
zustellen konnte und sie daher an den Absender zurückgeschickt hat.
Mary Tyler Moore (2 year+ wait) success? - 02. Juli 2012
Hello!!! This one took a long time to receive...I honestly had forgotten about sending it until I got it in the mail today. I sent a LOR, a SASE, & 3 pictures (1 for me, a friend, and my mom). Sent: 5/11/10 Received: 7/02/12 Total: 2 years (& nearly two months). I believe I sent to the address in the database: Mary Tyler Moore 510 E. 86th Street Suite 21A New York, NY 10028 USA Here are scans: ... rettm.jpg/ (For me). ... ettm1.jpg/ (For my friend). ... ettm2.jpg/ (For my mom). Does anybody have any idea if they are authentic or not? I was looking briefly at her past TTMs and kind of seem to match but usually she writes "hi" in the inscription...maybe Im being to paranoid. I welcome any opinions on authenticity. I havent seen a success from her in a long time. Thanks and good luck to those who send. Have a great day!!! <img src= -gghi18 <img src=

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Mr. Edward Asner (Up, The Mary Tyler Moore Show) - 06. Dezember 2011
Here it is... My first feedback! sent: LOR, SAE, 2 $, DVD cover of Up, 1 A4 photo, 2 10x15cm photos, custom index card, Q&A-sheet on Nov 23rd recieved: all my items signed and the Q&A-sheet filled in in my SAE (even though I told him he could chose which items he'd like to sign) on Dec 5th address used: Edward Asner Quince Productions, Inc. 12400 Ventura Blvd. Suite 371 Studio City, CA 91604 USA photos can be found here: Q&A-sheet: envelope: (sorry but the envelope was too big to scan it as a whole - bottom and left edge are not scanned) I think this is the best success any beginner in this hobby could hope for! Regards, fool PS: Could anybody tell me how much those stamps are? I'd like to know if 2$ is enough for postage or if I should enclose 3 or more $.

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