Rückkopplung (Auf englisch):
George Lucas - 16. Juni 2015 I sent a letter requesting an autograph to Mr. Lucas. Received a letter today stating that he doesn't sign because he gets a lot of requests and only signs for charitable causes but, I got 2 pictures, a magnetize, and some stickers. PS I dressed as Darth Vader as a kid and I posted this twice on accident I posted this twice on accident |
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George Lucas Success Personalized!! - 20. Oktober 2012 Hello Collectors!
Early this week I received one of my most wanted Autos! About 2 months ago I wrote George Lucas from Afghanistan telling him how big of a fan and how his work motivates me during the deployment. I used the Lucasfilm address. No return address... I sent him an afghan bill which was returned signed by what looks like Mr. Lucas and his wife Melody! Plus a "May the Force be with you" inscription! This is extremely awesome from such an iconic figure! All comments are welcomed! Enjoy!
George Lucas is the best!
Go US Army!!
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George Lucas [old] - 18. Mai 2011 Sent a autograph request for George Lucas August 2010. Got unsigned picture back September 2010 with letter saying thank you for support.
Address Used
George Lucas
Lucasfilm Ltd.
5858 Lucas Valley Rd.
Nicasio, CA 94946
(no scan of envelope)
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