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Frank Thornton
Frank Thornton
Schauspieler Forum
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Geburtstag: 15. Januar 1921 Autogramm-galerie von Frank Thornton
Offizielle seite: Bearbeiten
E-mail: Bearbeiten
Rückkopplung: 21/3/2013 >>>


Frank Thornton

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Wie man fanpost und autogrammbitten an Frank Thornton schickt?:

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Rückkopplung (Auf englisch):

frank thornton success with sadness ( are you being served) - 21. März 2013
I sent this request two weeks ago, and sadly he passed away on Saturday, so I presumed I would have been unsuccessful. Well today I got home from work and received a signed picture in the post, that he must have signed and sent before he passed away. May stop writing to people as they all seem to be passing away, Richard from the good life and now Frank from Are you being served. However below is the picture, i did use the address in data base. -

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Frank Thornton (Truly of the Yard) Success! - 14. Juli 2012
Date sent: 11/7/2012 Date recieved: 14/7/2012 Address from here used. Sent just a letter and a SASE. - Envelope: -

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Frank Thornton Success! - 15. Juni 2012
I sent a LOR, a picture, an "Are You Being Served?" DVD cover and a SASE to Frank Thornton on June 7th and I received the DVD cover and the picture signed today (June 15th). I used this address: Frank Thornton Daly Pearson Associates 586a Kings Road Chelsea London SW6 2DX Rather oddly, he wrote my full name on both the picture and the DVD so Ive removed my surname from the following scans: Picture: - DVD cover: - Picture with envelope: - Im very pleased with this success as I am a big "Are You Being Served?" fan. I have now sent the DVD cover to Nicholas Smith! <img src=

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