Wie man fanpost und autogrammbitten an Arlene Dahl schickt?:
Falls Sie ein Autogramm haben möchten, lesen die Richtlinien unten. Falls Sie nur einen Brief an obige Adresse schicken und nichts zurück haben möchten, können Sie aufhören zu lesen!
Falls Sie in leben, schicken Sie einen ordentlich gestempelten und an sich selbst adressierten Umschlag (Mindestgröße 11x22cm) mit Ihrem brief und ein foto.
Sie können noch ein stück karton hineintun, damit das foto nicht geknickt wird beim verschicken und auch auf den umschlag schreiben "Nicht Knicken".
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Rückkopplung (Auf englisch):
Arlene Dahl Success - 13. Januar 2020 I wrote to Ms. Dahl on 08/24/2019 and received a reply on 01/11/2020
Arlene Dahl
Dahlmark Productions
P.O. Box 116
Sparkill, NY 10976
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Arlene Dahl - Failure? - 12. Januar 2020 Hello -
I wrote to Arlene Dahl on August 24th, 2019.
Dahlmark Productions PO Box 116 Sparkill NY 10976
I received these two today. I had sent her the Journey picture and 2 others. I got the Journey picture back along with an 8x10 that she supplied.
So, the inscription is hand-written, but the signature an obvious stamp.
I'm not even certain the inscription is by her. The "ar" in "arlene" is different than the one in "year".
Never know what to do with these
http://surfmypictures.com/image/91463f007ad046d6/d4f0e.html | |
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Arlene Dahl FAST SUCCESS! - 23. August 2019 This is my first success after getting back into autograph collecting this year. Out of the four requests I sent out, I definitely didn't expect to receive Arlene back first because she hasn't had a recorded success since 2016. She's an awesome lady and I'm so happy with this, it only took 11 days!
Sent: 8/12/19
Received: 8/23/19
I sent a photo, a letter of request, and a self-addressed envelope to:
Arlene Dahl
Dahlmark Productions
P.O. Box 116
Sparkill, NY 10976
Thank you, Fanmail! | |
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