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Ernest BorgnineErnest BorgnineErnest Borgnine
Fotos von Ernest Borgnine (2011-01-30)
Ernest Borgnine
Schauspieler Forum
Auch: Ermes Effron Borgnine Veröffentlichen ihre rückkopplung
Geburtstag: 24. Januar 1917 Autogramm-galerie von Ernest Borgnine
Offizielle seite: Bearbeiten
E-mail: Bearbeiten
Rückkopplung: 9/3/2012 >>>


Ernest Borgnine

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Rückkopplung (Auf englisch):

Ernest Borgnine Success - 10. Juli 2012
A while ago I recieved these. I was so saddened by his passing yesterday, I feel blessed to have gotten these. 1st Picture: ... gnine.jpg/ 2nd Picture: ... nine2.jpg/ No return address on envelope, but unfortuantly, there is probably no point in saying the address I used. Rest In Peace Ernest. 1917-2012 Also, Im a bit new to this, so if anyone could fill me in on what some of the abbreviations mean, I would appreciate it. I know, AP and PP and LOR. Anything else would be a help.

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Ernest Borgnine Success! - 17. Mai 2012
I wrote Ernest Borgnine a LOR on February 24, 2012. (I know that because I wrote it on the letter) I received it back three weeks later. I feel so lucky that he signed and personalized my pictures, seeing that he doesnt sign anymore. He even returned my letter with a note on it! Hes so funny! I dont remember the address because he didnt put his address on the envelope and its not in the database anymore. P.S- Has anyone ever heard of Kenny Hammono or Hammano or something like that? He signed the letter too. Picture: ... gnine.jpg/ Picture: ... nine2.jpg/ Envelope: ... 44142.jpg/ Yes, I do realize that the envelope image stinks. My scanner crapped out on me about half-hour ago. <img src=

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Ernest Borgnine - REJECTED!!! - 12. April 2012
(4) Rejection Letter Ernest Borgnine Mailed: 1/15/11 (3 - 4x6) 1 Year & 1½ Month Turnaround Received: 2/25/12 Returned Pictures with Rejection Letter I made a mistake posting on someone elses post about mine taking 9 months, actually it was well over a year to get a rejection. He's an old man so I understand the rejection. When I hit his age I most likely won't to do nothing but fish. However, OVER A YEAR for a rejection letter? That's just insane. Used address in database.

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