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Billie Hayes
Billie Hayes
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Geburtstag: 05. August 1932 Autogramm-galerie von Billie Hayes
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Rückkopplung: 12/7/2019 >>>


Billie Hayes

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Rückkopplung (Auf englisch):

Billie Hayes - 14. Juli 2019
I Made My Donation To Billie's Charity And Got This Beautiful Signed Pic From Billie ~ A Charity That Does Great Work For Pets

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Whitchie-Poo Billie Hayes success - 04. Juni 2017
Best known for her comic portrayal of Witchie-poo on NBC's Sid and Marty Krofft television series H.R. Pufnstuf. Her characteristic cackle and animated physicality were notable during the show's 17-episode run in 1969?70. She reprised this role in The Paul Lynde Halloween Special. Hayes portrayed a similar character in other roles, including Episode 8.10 of Bewitched, Weenie the Genie in the Sid and Marty Krofft program Lidsville, and Maw Weskitt in Episode 39 of the second season of The Monkees. Hayes played Mammy Yokum in both the Broadway and film versions of Li'l Abner, appeared on the soap opera General Hospital as Robert Scorpio's mentor, "O'Reilly" in 1981 and 1985, and did the voiceover for the character Mother Mae-Eye on the animated series Teen Titans and the character Granny Applecheeks in The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy. Hayes also had a short role in The Wacky Adventures of Ronald McDonald as One-Eyed Sally. Her first voice role was as a character named Orgoch on the Disney feature film The Black Cauldron in 1985. mailed photo 2-20-17 received signed 2-27-17 used: P.O. Box 69493 Los Angeles, CA. 90069 ... 4o4ze.html

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Billie Hayes Website Success - 18. September 2012
Received in the mail today. I had made a donation to Pet Hope through Billie Hayes website. Its a tax deductible donation, and in return she sends you a personalized photo of your choice. Requested: September 6, 2012 Received: September 17, 2012 Address used: Paypal to mypethope at Address sent from was Billie Hayes For Pet Hope P.O. Box 69493 Los Angeles, CA 90069 - -

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