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Gilbert Gottfried Gilbert GottfriedGilbert Gottfried
Fotos von Gilbert Gottfried (2011-08-21)
Gilbert Gottfried
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Geburtstag: 28. Februar 1955 Autogramm-galerie von Gilbert Gottfried
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Rückkopplung: 26/5/2012 >>>


Gilbert Gottfried

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Rückkopplung (Auf englisch):

Gilbert Gottfried Success - 26. Mai 2012
Sent a SASE and an 8X10 to Gilbert Gottfried on 5/8 and today received my photo back signed. I used the address in the database. Gilbert Gottfried William Morris Endeavor Entertainment 9601 Wilshire Blvd. 3rd Floor Beverly Hills, CA 90210 USA -

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Gilbert Gottfried success - 15. Mai 2012
sent: 5/2/12 received: 5/14/12 wait time: 11 days I sent a letter, 2 photos, and SASE to this address: Gilbert Gottfried c/o William Morris Endeavor Entertainment 9601 Wilshire Blvd. 3rd Floor Beverly Hills, CA 90210 I am so excited that after 3 or 4 years of trying and waiting, I finally got Gilbert Gottfried's autograph! He is so funny with his trade mark squinting and loud, raspy shouting I can’t get enough of it. I told Gilbert in my letter that like all Disney fans, I like to know him best as the voice of Iago in the [iAladdin[/i films and T.V. series. I am also glad to know that he was able to reprise his role in the [iKingdom Hearts[/i video game series. He also voiced Iago in the Walt Disney World attraction of [iThe Enchanted Tiki Room (Under New Management)[/i. I even recognized his voice in an episode of [iTimon and Pumbaa, Bump in the Night,[/i and [iFamily Guy[/i and in the Don Bluth film, [iThumbelina[/i. I even told him in my letter that I am terribly sorry to hear that he lost his job being the voice of the duck on the AFLAC commercials. The two pictures I sent for Gilbert to sign are of himself and of Iago from the [iKingdom Hearts[/i video game series. He signed and inscribed both pictures to me. HALLEJULAH! No scanner.

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gilbert gottfried success - 29. April 2012
sent: 4.6.12 recd: 4.28.12 used address in database ... =154608206 no envelope

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