Katie Price The Social PR No.1 Spinningfields 1 Hardman Square Manchester M3 3EB Vereinigtes Königreich
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The Social PR (Werbefachmann) No.1 Spinningfields 1 Hardman Square Manchester M3 3EB Vereinigtes Königreich Fone: Fax: Offizielle seite Anmerkungen: |
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Rückkopplung (Auf englisch):
Katie Price - Success - 27. Juni 2012 [color=#FF00FFKatie visited my hometown Birkenhead on Sunday 24th June 2012.
There was a little competition.
To be one of the lucky 3 winners to win a signed dedicated copy, all we had to do was retweet a tweet. The Grange Pyramids in Birkenhead ran the competition on twitter.
Luckily i was one of the 3 winners. I'm made up not only because i won a copy but because it's signed, dedicated and it's a wonderful addition to my collection.
********** No Envelope **********
I started reading the book this morning (as it only came this morning) and i'm really enjoying reading it. Although i won a copy, it's a great book that's worth the buy.
- Chantelle.
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Katie Price IP - Half IP for Peter Andre... :) - 23. Februar 2008 Hi i met Katie price and Peter andre. I met them at WHSmith's in Brent Cross where Katie was doing her book signing... They were really nice and katie signed me my books, asked her to sign my autograph book but she wasn't allowed Also, Peter and Junior where there just for support for Katie... After she'd signed my book I had to go out of the que, but I went back to the security guard and go "Can you please let me say something to peter, please really quickly" and she goes, im not meant to let you but be quick... So I went back in and begged him to sign my autograph book but he wasn't allowed, he goes "Sorry, but i'll give you a kiss instead" :razz: That cheered me up
Met: 23rd February 2008
These are some pictures and the signed books!!!
Nicole {thumb2}
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