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Adam West
Adam West
Schauspieler Forum
Auch: William Anderson Veröffentlichen ihre rückkopplung
Geburtstag: 19. September 1928 Autogramm-galerie von Adam West
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Rückkopplung: 27/2/2017 >>>


Adam West

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Wie man fanpost und autogrammbitten an Adam West schickt?:

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Rückkopplung (Auf englisch):

Adam West Success - 27. Februar 2017
On 2-9-17, I sent off a request for Adam West. I know from helpful posts on here that he has returned some recent requests, because he sells autographs on his website in addition to being a regular on the con circuit for years. I sent a LOR, SASE, one 8x10 and a check for $20 (which is still half what he charges for a signed color 8x10 online). On 2-27-17, I received my photo back, signed and personalized. Edited to add: The check cleared my account, but it was worth it if it guaranteed me a signature. Address used: Adam West Enterprises 400 East Avenue P.O. Box 3477 Ketchum, ID 83340

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Adam West SUCCESS! - 20. Dezember 2016
First- I had (2) successes today, but I can only disclose this one... And it's killing me!!! Wish I could share it with the community, but the person told me not to! Ok, so Adam West- I read he no longer signs TTM. So about 2-3 months ago, I sent a LOR/SASE, (2) book-plates + sweetened the pot by included $10. I really wanted them back to give one away as a Christmas gift. They arrived just in the nick of time, both signed! They look great, and very happy with this success! My advice if you really want Adam West- include a little cash. Sent to: Adam West 400 East Ave PO Box 3477 Ketchum, ID 83340 Uploaded with ###:// Uploaded with ###://

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Adam West Success! I Think?? - 08. November 2016
I sent out a letter, SASE, and photo to Adam West, best known for playing in the 60s Batman television show. I grew up watching that show and I've always been a big fan. I sent the letter out on October 27, 2016, and received the photo back today, on November 8, 2016, personally signed to me. It was faster than I expected and the return address came back from California, rather than Idaho, which is where I sent the letter. And as I'm not sure as to what Mr. West's real signature looks like, I would like to ask if this is the real deal or not. Any input would be appreciated! I used the address in the database: Adam West Adam West Enterprises 400 East Avenue P.O. Box 3477 Ketchum, ID 83340 USA

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