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Julie Strain
Julie Strain
Schauspielerin Forum
Auch: Julie Strain Eastman Veröffentlichen ihre rückkopplung
Geburtstag: 18. Februar 1962 Autogramm-galerie von Julie Strain
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Rückkopplung: 12/1/2015 >>>


Julie Strain

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Rückkopplung (Auf englisch):

Julie Strain success - 03. März 2015
With over 100 films to her credit, Strain has come to be known as the "Queen of the B-movies". In addition, she was Penthouse Pet of the Month for June 1991, and Penthouse Pet of the Year for 1993. She has also had her likeness attached to numerous comic book characters and animation items. For example, she did the voice acting for the main character in the animated movie Heavy Metal 2000 and was the basis for the third person shooter Heavy Metal: F.A.K.K. mailed photo 10-27-14 received signed 12-1-14 used: private address Wildomar CA Note: per admin I will not post private addresses, also to protect privacy. ... mlrdq.html

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Julie Strain Success! - 24. Mai 2014
Sent: May 9, 2014 Received: May 24, 2014 I sent a couple of items to Julie Strain to be signed via the address found on her website: Julie Strain 23905 Clinton Keith #114-337 Wildomar, CA. 92595 She tore the envelope in half and enclosed my signed items inside like a folder, so I was able to scan that: - Here is my return envelope. She wrote "Check my ebay" on the back of it: - - I sent a DVD and VHS cover of her movies w/ a note inside asking her to please personalize my items. Midnight Confessions (VHS): - Andy Sidaris Girls, Guns and G-Strings Box Set: - She was very generous for also including two of her own items that I did not ask for. Witchcraft IV: The Virgin Heart (DVD): - A Signed Postcard: -

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Julie Strain Success - 30. April 2014
From the currently listed address, a package was sent containing SEVERAL signed and personalized items from Julie Strain. My favorites are two pairs of her panties, which she signed and included a photo of her wearing them(!). She included a signed 8x10, several signed postcards, a signed calender also featuring her sister and her signature, all personalized. On the green panties pictured, she signed the tag. ... j3om8.html - Uploaded with ###://

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