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Doris Day
Doris Day
Schauspielerin Forum
Auch: Doris Kappelhoff Veröffentlichen ihre rückkopplung
Geburtstag: 03. April 1922 Autogramm-galerie von Doris Day
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Rückkopplung: 29/10/2018 >>>


Doris Day

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Rückkopplung (Auf englisch):

Doris Day- Success! - 20. November 2018
Doris Day c/o Doris Day Animal Foundation PO Box 223163 Carmel, CA 93922 Sent LOR, SASE, 5X7 and cash donation to the foundation Sent: 9/15/2018 Received: letter thanking for for my donation - 10/29/2018 Received: 5X7 signed and inscribed to my grandmother - 11/9/2018 — 11/19/2018 (I was out of town; postmark is not clear)

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Ms. Doris Day actress success! - 09. November 2017
Ms. Doris Day played in Young at Heart, Teacher’s Pet, and The Thrill of It All. Also she sang It’s Magic, Everywhere You Go, Bewitched, Bothered, and Bewildered, and My Darling My Darling. On 9/27/2017 I mailed a letter explaining how I find Ms. Day's acting including her activism to be very inspiring to me, $10 donation for her Doris Day Animal Foundation, a drawing of a dog with a cat that I drew, and an SASE Envelope to Ms. Doris Day c/o Doris Day Animal Foundation P.O. Box 223163 Carmel, CA 93922 (took about 7 weeks) On 11/09/2017 I received a personalize message from her including some info of the Doris Day Animal Foundation. Here is the link: ... tress.html

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Doris Day Success! - 10. Oktober 2017
I sent LOR, SASE, cast photo, and a $25 donation to her animal foundation on 6/23/17 and on 10/6/17 I received my cast photo back signed and personalized as well as the usual pamphlet for her foundation. They did add the return address sticker and also were nice to pay for tracking. The check did not get cashed until 9/11/17 so I can only assume it took awhile for them to look over the mail, so as always be patient. I used the following address: Doris Day Doris Day Animal Foundation P.O. Box 223163 Carmel, CA 93922 Uploaded with ###:// Uploaded with ###://

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