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Pat Cardi
Pat Cardi
Schauspieler Forum
Auch: Pat Cardamone Veröffentlichen ihre rückkopplung
Geburtstag: 02. Mai 1951 Autogramm-galerie von Pat Cardi
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Rückkopplung: 29/10/2024 >>>


Pat Cardi
American Primitive Ltd.
4743 Collis Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90032-1013
Vereinigte Staaten

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American Primitive Ltd.
4743 Collis Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90032-1013
Vereinigte Staaten
Fone: (323) 867-4580
Offizielle seite
Karte vergrößern

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Rückkopplung (Auf englisch):

Pat Cardi Actor - 29. Oktober 2024
Patrick Cardamone - May 2, 1951 · Patchogue, New York His career began as a child actor (using the name Pat Cardi). He co-starred in close to 100 film, TV, commercial and corporate productions including high profile prime time television series such as The Fugitive, Gunsmoke, The Invaders, Rawhide, Ben Casey, The FBI, 77 Sunset Strip, and Branded. He starred in films for Universal and co-starred in the CBS comedy series It's About Time. Cardamone is the creator and co-founder of MovieFone aka 777-FILM which was purchased by Time Warner/AOL and is now operated throughout the country. He also is a founding member of Holy Family Productions, responsible for weekly digital production of the Catholic Mass seen on television for the past 20 years and now available live-streamed on the Internet. Sent him 2 photos on 4 Aug and got them back signed on 29 Oct. He also sent a nice letter back. I sent to this address Mr Pat Cardi 4743 Collis Ave Los Angeles, CA 90032 His letter listed the following as a quicker address 21112 Via Colombard Sonoma, CA 95476

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Actor Pat Cardi - 09. April 2022
Pat Cardi Actor - It's About Time, Let's Kill Uncle, Brainstorm, Horror High, Battle For The Planet Of The Apes Using this address: Patrick Cardamone 4743 Collis Ave Los Angeles, CA 90032-1013 USA Sent 3-26-22 Recd 4-9-22 Recd signed photo He also wrote on the back of the photo Return address on envelope was: 1385 Avenida Sebastiani Sonoma CA 95476 So I would say both addresses are Good.

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