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Michael Caine Michael CaineMichael CaineMichael Caine
Fotos von Michael Caine (2012-07-07)
Michael Caine
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Geburtstag: 14. Marz 1933 Autogramm-galerie von Michael Caine
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Rückkopplung: 12/8/2024 >>>


Michael Caine
Palladium House
7th Floor
1-4 Argyll Street
London W1F 7TA
Vereinigtes Königreich

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Palladium House
7th Floor
1-4 Argyll Street
London W1F 7TA
Vereinigtes Königreich
Fone: +44 (0)20-7292 0554
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Rückkopplung (Auf englisch):

Sir Michael Caine Actor, Korean War Vet - 12. August 2024
Sir Michael Caine CBE (born Maurice Joseph Micklewhite, 14 March 1933) is an English retired actor. Known for his distinctive Cockney accent, he has appeared in more than 160 films over a career that spanned eight decades and is considered a British film icon. He has received numerous awards including two Academy Awards, a BAFTA Award, three Golden Globe Awards, and a Screen Actors Guild Award. In 1952, Caine was called up to do his national service. Between 1952 and 1954 he served in the British Army's Royal Fusiliers, first at the British Army of the Rhine Headquarters in Iserlohn, West Germany, and then on active service in the Korean War. Caine, seeing first-hand how the Chinese used human wave tactics, was left with the sense that the communist government did not care about its citizens. Sent him 2 photos on 23 Feb and got them back signed on 12 Aug. One photo was of him from the movie Zulu and the other was of him in a group photo in the Royal Fusiliers. Sir Michael Caine 42 Palladium House 7th Floor 1-4 Argyll St, London W1F 7TA UK

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Michael Caine Success - 09. Februar 2020
Mailed photo with LOR and SASE on 9/30/19 to 'Michael Caine, 42 Palladium House, 7th Floor, 1-4 Argyll Street, London W1F 7TA, UK' and received it back, signed, on 2/6/20.

Kommentare hinzufügen | 3 kommentare
Michael Caine Success - 10. September 2019
Sent: May 25 2019 Received: September 8 2019 Address: Michael Caine 42 Palladium House 7th Floor 1-4 Argyll Street London W1F 7TA UK Photo: [url

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