Wie man fanpost und autogrammbitten an Hillary Clinton schickt?:
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Falls Sie in den Vereinigte Staaten leben, schicken Sie einen ordentlich gestempelten und an sich selbst adressierten Umschlag (Mindestgröße 11x22cm) mit Ihrem brief und ein foto.
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Rückkopplung (Auf englisch):
Hillary Clinton Fail - 27. Juli 2016 I sent a SASE and a 2016 Decision Campaign Card and Famous Autograph Card on June 1st 2016. I received my cards back today July 26th 2016 unsigned with a note.
Sent to
Hillary Clinton
Hillary for America
Post Office Box 5256
New York, NY 10185
Photo and Envelope http://surfmypictures.com/image/0997d09 ... w7qzi.html
In Person Success: Joe Biden, Prince Harry of Whales (Handshake no auto),Bruce Willis, Al Pacino, Ian McKellem, Patrick Stewart, Daniel Craig, Hugh Jackman, Ken Griffey Jr, Ted Cruz, Samuel L Jackson, James Earl Jones, Barry Bonds, Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher.
Favorite TTM Success: Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter, Oscar Isaac, Simon Pegg, Christopher Plummer, Lupita Nyongo. |  |
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Hillary Clinton SUCCESS!! (2016 Presidential Candidate) - 15. März 2016 Back in January 8, 2016, i mailed two pictures to Hillary Clinton campaign headquarters not expecting a reply for a long time or maybe never. Today by great luck i got both pictures returned to me with one signed! Clinton was First Lady, Senator, Secretary of State and now she is running for US President.
Hillary for America
Post Office Box 2001
New York, NY 10116-2001
|  |
Kommentare hinzufügen | 1 Kommentar
Hillary Clinton Success - 24. Oktober 2014 I receive the below success from Hillary.
Sent photo and SAE to be the below address.
Photo send in August 2014 and receive back 23rd October 2014
Hillary Clinton
Friends of Hillary
1900 M Street, NW
Suite 500
Washington, DC 20036
Please take a look at my page for other success and message me if would like any address.
Guy |  |
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