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Dick Clark Dick ClarkDick ClarkDick Clark
Fotos von Dick Clark (2004-03-11)
Dick Clark
Filmproduzent / Schauspieler Forum
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Geburtstag: 30. November 1929 Autogramm-galerie von Dick Clark
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Rückkopplung: 26/2/2013 >>>


Dick Clark

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Rückkopplung (Auf englisch):

Dick Clark (Host) - Success (A Response) - 25. Oktober 2013
Dick Clark (Host) Mailed: July 2011 (2) 5x7 (1½ Year Turnaround) Received: 2/26/13 Letter Sent From Agent Stating That Mr. Clark Had Passed Away. Sent this while he was alive, didn't want to send because of his health problems but people were getting success & heard that he loves getting mail from fans so I figured why not. I later heard he had passed away so I surely didn't expect anything but it was really nice to get a letter from his management saying he appreciated all his fans & thanked me for the letter. Didn't expect anything but this was a nice letter.

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Dick Clark - Response - 01. März 2013
Dick Clark (Host) Mailed: July 2011 (2) 5x7 1½ Year Turnaround Received: 2/26/13 Letter Sent From Agent Stating That Mr. Clark Had Passed Away. I sent Mr. Clark a picture to sign because I was always a fan of his, but originally didn't send because I knew he had some health issues. Then I saw him on TV and looking like he was still getting around pretty good and that there were some responses on here that they got back some autographs from him so I thought I would give it a shot. The letter was from his agent stating that he had passed away, however "if Mr. Clark was still with us that he would have been more then happy to sign anything" I sent to him. I think a class act response by the management team even though it was almost 2 years later. Something is always better than nothing. R.I.P. to one of, if not the greatest host of all times. I had used the address which was in the database.

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Dick Clark Success!!! - 14. Juni 2011
Hey everyone... 2nd day in a row with a success!!! Those have been few and far between but that's ok. Today I got back my 33rd overall autograph as I was lucky enough to get my photo signed by television legend Dick Clark!!! He is best known for hosting American Bandstand & also the various Pyramid game shows. I was getting worried my request got lost but it didn't. I guess if you wait long enough good things will happen. Here is the breakdown for my success. [uDate of Send Out[/u: 12/14/2010 [uDate I Got It Back[/u: 6/14/2011 [uWait Time[/u: 182 Days!!! [uAddress Used[/u: Dick Clark C/O Dick Clark Company 26800 Pacific Coast Highway Malibu, CA 90265 [uWhat I Sent Out[/u: Letter, SASE, & Photo [uWhat I Got Back[/u: My Photo Autographed by Dick Clark Personalized to me with a blue sharpie in my SASE Here is the link to the photo/photo mailer I sent/got back Thank You Mr. Dick Clark &!!!

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