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Louis Jourdan
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Geburtstag: Bearbeiten Autogramm-galerie von Louis Jourdan
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Rückkopplung: 30/5/2013 >>>


Louis Jourdan

Ein problem mit dieser adresse?

Wie man fanpost und autogrammbitten an Louis Jourdan schickt?:

Falls Sie ein Autogramm haben möchten, lesen die Richtlinien unten. Falls Sie nur einen Brief an obige Adresse schicken und nichts zurück haben möchten, können Sie aufhören zu lesen!
Falls Sie in leben, schicken Sie einen ordentlich gestempelten und an sich selbst adressierten Umschlag (Mindestgröße 11x22cm) mit Ihrem brief und ein foto. Sie können noch ein stück karton hineintun, damit das foto nicht geknickt wird beim verschicken und auch auf den umschlag schreiben "Nicht Knicken". Falls Sie nicht in , legen Sie noch einige Internationale Antwortscheine dazu. Die IAS (englisch: International Reply Coupon) werden vom empfänger dazu verwendet, briefmarken zu kaufen. Sie können sie nur bei Ihrer Poststelle erhalten. Schicken Sie Ihren brief und warten. Im durchschnitt vergehen 3 monate und mehr wartezeit auf eine antwort. Weitere Informationen zu brief international aus erhalten Sie Hier.

Rückkopplung (Auf englisch):

Louis Jourdan failure - 04. Juni 2013
My wife, Lucinda, sent off an SAE, LOE, and return postage to Louis Jourdan on April 26th. We received his response on May 30th. Unfortunately, he has stopped signing, but it is completely understandable given his age. He did send back a letter and a photo, as seen in the picture.

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Louis Jourdan odd 1/2 success - 06. November 2012
I sent to Mr Louis Jourdan excatley one week ago today a LOR, SASE, cardboard and 3 photos. I had asked the photos be made out to Paul and also put post it notes on the photos " please inscribe To Paul <img src= " incase he didnt read the letter. All three photos came back today with only my name written on it and no signature. The cardboard I had written please return with photos on both sides didnt come baxk but I was just trying to protect the pictures and he took and put big orange stickers on the back because I guess he didnt understand he had to pull the waxy paper off and they would be self adhesive....the no lick kind <img src= I am glad he still answers fanmail and thinking as he is getting older he probably didnt get the no lick envelopes....But I dont understand why he would think I only wanted Paul written on them...What do you guys think...should I send them back with a polite letter asking for him to sign them as well and add the same on the post it notes. My mom thought the post it notes were a must this it would be understood just what I wanted. It does show Mr Jourdan does read and answer his fanmail as the Paul is in his handwritting....but I do not want to be rude either...But I really do want them signed <img src= Louis Jourdan - Louis Jourdan and Elizabeth - Envelope front - Envelope back - ... picsay.jpg

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Classic Actor Louis Jourdan Success, But... (please look) - 17. Oktober 2012
Hi. On 10-11-2012 I sent Mr. Jourdan 2 4x6 photos, IC, & SASE. Today 10-16-2012 I got 1 of my photos autographed in my SASE <img src= . The strange part is that I got some one elses LOR asking for an autographed photo too. If its your name on the LOR, since for consideration I covered the address (see pic), Im wondering if you got my pic. I am not demanding it back, Im more curious if you got my photo. Or whomever got an answer from Louis Jourdan, which involves of a B&W photo of HE in his younger days, with a written in name & address label in the back, its mine. - As I said, I am not asking for the photo back (if someone got it). Im just curious. Thanks for looking.

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