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Diahann Carroll Diahann CarrollDiahann Carroll
Fotos von Diahann Carroll (2007-01-17)
Diahann Carroll
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Geburtstag: 17. Juli 1935 Autogramm-galerie von Diahann Carroll
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Rückkopplung: 14/7/2015 >>>


Diahann Carroll

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Rückkopplung (Auf englisch):

Classic Actress Diahann Carroll :/ - 15. Juli 2015
Wrote to her before I saw another member's disappointing result. I got the same lousy PP in my SASE with my photos returned unsigned. The back of the PP states to go to her website to buy a signed photo. <img src= Geez. <img src= " title="Rolling Eyes" /> She still works today, she can afford to sign our paltry items. I know some will defend her, saying it's an entertainers right to not sign items. Go ahead.

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Diahann Carroll not a success - 03. Juni 2015
Sent to Diahann Carroll about 4 months ago to address on this site: PO Box in Sherman Oaks. Rec my photo back unsigned and a postcard saying to look on her website for autographed pictures etc.

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Actress/singer "Diahann Carroll" success - 11. Januar 2012
Having appeared in some of the earliest major studio films to feature black casts such as Carmen Jones and Porgy and Bess, she starred in 1968s Julia, one of the first series on American television to star a black woman in a non-stereotypical role. Later she created the role of Dominique Deveraux on the popular prime time soap opera, Dynasty. In 1962 she won the Tony Award for best actress (a first for a black woman) for the role of Barbara Woodruff in the Samuel A. Taylor and Richard Rodgers musical No Strings. In 1974, she was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Actress for Claudine. Carroll is best known for her title role in the 1968 television series Julia, which made her the first African American actress to star in her own television series where she did not play a domestic worker. She was nominated for an Emmy Award in 1969, and won the Golden Globe Award for Best Actress In A Television Series” in 1968. mailed photo 8-12-11 received signed 12-28-11 used: Diahann Carroll P.O. Box 57593 Sherman Oaks, CA 91403 ... 010rl.jpg/

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