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Norman Lloyd
Norman Lloyd
Schauspieler Forum
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Geburtstag: 08. November 1914 Autogramm-galerie von Norman Lloyd
Offizielle seite: Bearbeiten
E-mail: Bearbeiten
Rückkopplung: 14/11/2019 >>>


Norman Lloyd

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Rückkopplung (Auf englisch):

Norman Lloyd: Success - 17. November 2019
Earlier this month, Norman Lloyd turned 105 years old! Sent photo: 4/2/19 Received: 10/7/19 Address: 1813 OLD RANCH RD LOS ANGELES CA 90049-2206 Uploaded with http://surfmypictures.comsurfmypictures

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Norman Lloyd Success (could be his last) - 14. November 2019
Sent one 4x6, LOR, and SASE. On October 27, his assistant contacted me on Facebook saying Mr. Lloyd has received and signed my photo. I don't know if the assistant has also tried to inform other people regarding Mr. Lloyd but probably he's excited to talk to a Filipino. Received it today. Signature is small and shaky. I notified the assistant that I received it and he said mine was the last request Mr. Lloyd signed before he was stopped by his children to rest him for his birthday in November 8. While I'm glad I got his autograph, man he's looking weak from the birthday video the assistant send to me. I don't know if he will still be signing after this but I think he deserves to have some rest. Praying for Mr. Lloyd for health and more birthdays to come. Send date: October 7, 2019 Received date: November 14, 2019 Address: Norman Lloyd 1813 Old Ranch Rd Los Angeles, CA 90049-2206 USA Uploaded with http://surfmypictures.comsurfmypictures [youtubeB4jNLvIKcEI[/youtube

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Actor Norman Lloyd Success - 29. November 2015
Norman Lloyd is the oldest working actor in Hollywood at age 101. His most recent film was Trainwreck with Amy Schumer but he has also appeared in movies such as Saboteur and Dead Poet's Society. He returned my photo signed in my SASE. Address and photo can be viewed here:

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