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Lee Macphail
Lee Macphail
Ehemaliger baseballspieler Forum
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Geburtstag: 25. Oktober 1917 Autogramm-galerie von Lee Macphail
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Rückkopplung: 24/1/2012 >>>


Lee Macphail

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Rückkopplung (Auf englisch):

Lee MacPhail failure - 23. Oktober 2012
On September 28 I sent a letter index card and SASE to Lee MacPhail. Today I received an RTS, but on the envelope someone had written "Lee is ill." Hoping he recovers. Lee is the oldest living Hall of Famer. Sent to Mr. Lee MacPhail c/o National Baseball Hall of Fame 25 Main Street Cooperstown, NY

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Lee Macphail baseball hall of famer success note from family - 24. Januar 2012
I sent Mr. Lee Mcphail a baseball, sase, and a letter requesting a autograph. It took about three weeks, used the addressing the database someone from his family wrote on the bottom of my letter lee is 94 soon 95 and its one of his last balls. Im guessing his wife wrote this his autograph looks real shakey he must not be doing well. He is the oldest living hall of famer and has been in baseball for over 45 years and he is one part of the only father and son combo that has been inducted into baseball hall of fame.

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Lee MacPhail Success - 05. November 2011
I Do Not scan envelopes. On October 20th, I sent a LOR, 8x10 photo and SASE to Baseball Hall of Famer Lee PacPhail. I know he is great with signing request from his fans. On November 5th I received my SASE with my signed photo. I had asked him to include HOF 98 on the photo. He added HOF, but forgot to add the year. LOL. I am sure it was a simple mistake, but that makes it cool because I believe he is 94. I just hope to be able to remember my name and where I am when I get to that age. This is a nice addition to my collection. I used the address in the database. Here is the photos:

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