Chevelle In De Goot Entertainment 119 West 23rd Street Suite 609 New York, NY 10011-2427 Vereinigte Staaten
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In De Goot Entertainment (Künstleragentur) 119 West 23rd Street Suite 609 New York, NY 10011-2427 Vereinigte Staaten Fone: (212) 924-7775 Fax: (212) 924-3243 Offizielle seite Anmerkungen: |
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Rückkopplung (Auf englisch):
Chevelle WEIRD but awesome SUCCESS! - 20. Oktober 2011 This is probably the strangest success I've gotten so far. On 10/10/11 I sent a LOR, 5x7 pic, and a SASE to chevelle who were playing at the Electric Factory. Today I got a response back. They didn't sign or return the pic I sent them, but instead sent me one of their own signed 5x7's, a 8x10 poster, a patch thing that I think you can apply to clothes, a guitar pic and a pouch of 1000mg vitamin C. Yes, you read that last item right lmao . The 8x10 poster was not signed, but someone wrote "Thanks" in silver sharpie, the pic looks like it might have been used or something because it looks like it went through a meat grinder lol (all scratched up and paint is chipped), and I dont have a clue whats up with the Vitamin C???? I sent a fairly small SASE, so they had to bend the 8x10 to put it in, and actually the post office wrote "postage due - 84" on my envelope because of all the extra stuff they put in it.
I'm not sure what exactly happened with this success lol (I'm never gonna stop asking myself why they sent a vitamin C...??), but it's pretty awesome none the less . Chevelle is one of my favorite bands, and there's only been 2 other success's from chevelle in the database, so I'm real glad to get this back!! The address is no longer valid, and I dont have a picture of the envelope.
Everything else:
421 N. 7th Street
Philadelphia PA 19125 |
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