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Rosanne Cash Rosanne CashRosanne Cash
Fotos von Rosanne Cash (2007-04-16)
Rosanne Cash
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Geburtstag: 24. Mai 1955 Autogramm-galerie von Rosanne Cash
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Rückkopplung: 19/8/2024 >>>


Rosanne Cash
Cross Road Management
45 West 11th St.
Suite 7B
New York, NY 10011-8664
Vereinigte Staaten

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Cross Road Management
45 West 11th St.
Suite 7B
New York, NY 10011-8664
Vereinigte Staaten
Fone: (212) 807-1509
Fax: (718) 504-7899

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Rückkopplung (Auf englisch):

Rosanne Cash Success - 19. August 2024
I sent my request on 7/24/24 and got a response on 8/19/24. Address used: Rosanne Cash Cross Road Management 45 West 11th St. Suite 7B New York, NY 10011-8664 USA Pic of signatures: Pic of envelope:

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Rosanne Cash SUCCESS - 01. September 2021
Sent a photo and book to Rosanne Cash August 3rd,came back signed to me August 30th. I call this a SUCCESS ! Used the data base address. Rosanne Cash Cross Road Management 45 West 11th St. Suite 7B New York, NY 10011-8664 USA Uploaded with http://surfmypictures.comsurfmypictures

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Rosanne Cash Singer Songwriter - 29. November 2018
Rosanne Cash (born May 24, 1955) is an American singer-songwriter and author. She is the eldest daughter of country musician Johnny Cash and Vivian Liberto Cash Distin, Johnny Cash's first wife. Although Cash is often classified as a country artist, her music draws on many genres, including folk, pop, rock, blues, and most notably Americana. In the 1980s, she had a string of chart-topping singles, which crossed musical genres and landed on both the country and pop charts, the most commercially successful being her 1981 breakthrough hit "Seven Year Ache", which topped the U.S. country singles charts and reached the Top 30 on the U.S. pop singles charts. Cash won a Grammy Award in 1985 for "I Don't Know Why You Don't Want Me" and has received 12 other Grammy nominations. She has had 11 No. 1 country hit singles, 21 Top 40 country singles, and two gold records. Cash was the 2014 recipient of Smithsonian magazine's American Ingenuity Award in the Performing Arts category. On February 8, 2015, Cash won three Grammy awards for Best Americana Album for The River & the Thread, Best American Roots Song with John Leventhal and Best American Roots Performance for A Feather's Not A Bird. Sent her 2 photos on 13 Nov and got them back signed on 29 Nov. [youtubephWZ79VARuI[/youtube [youtubemiIqI9Gql9M[/youtube [youtube6QCLGWTNZak[/youtube Ms Rosanne Cash Cross Road Management 45 West 11th St. Suite 7B New York, NY 10011-8664

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