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Carla Laemmle
Carla Laemmle
Schauspielerin Forum
Auch: Rebecca Isabelle Laemmle Veröffentlichen ihre rückkopplung
Geburtstag: 20. Oktober 1909 Autogramm-galerie von Carla Laemmle
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Rückkopplung: 1/5/2014 >>>


Carla Laemmle

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Rückkopplung (Auf englisch):

Carla Laemmle R.I.P. - 13. Juni 2014
Carla Laemmle, one of the last actresses to have appeared in silent films, passed away yesterday at age 104. She appeared in "Phantom of the Opera", and also spoke the first lines in the 1931 classic "Dracula". I got several photos signed by her over the past five years and they will be a treasured part of my collection.

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Carla Laemmle Suprise Success - 23. Mai 2014
My mother randomly bought me these books from Carlas website. Would have posted it sooner but my computer wouldnt cooperate. Received: 5/14/14 You can order them from And it does not cost extra to have them personalized. <img src= Autographs: Ill post the front cover of the book then the autograph. ... fd4222.jpg ... c930c1.jpg ... 38f6c9.jpg ... 61613c.jpg No pic of the envelope though.

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Carla Laemmle Success - 02. Mai 2014
Provided: LoR, SASE, Two Pics Sent: 4/24/14 Received: 5/1/14 Address Used: Carla Laemmle 645 N. Serrano Blvd. Hollywood, CA 90004 USA Return: Carla Laemmle c/o Rosemary Hilb 2294 Gloaming Way Beverly Hills, CA 90210 USA Autographs: - - Envelope: - I also got a neat handwritten card from her great niece Rosemary thanking me for the kind words, and a business card for their familys website. I checked out the site, you can buy Carlas biography and other books/photos and she will personalize them. <img src=

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