Jim Bunning 4 Fairway Dr. Apt 64 Southgate, KY 41071-3022 Vereinigte Staaten |
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Rückkopplung (Auf englisch):
Jim Bunning Baseball H O F - 18. April 2016 James Paul David "Jim" Bunning (born October 23, 1931) is an American former Major League Baseball pitcher and politician.
During his baseball career, he pitched from 1955 to 1971, most notably with the Detroit Tigers and the Philadelphia Phillies. In 1959, the right-hander struck out the side, throwing the minimum nine pitches as a reliever in the top of the ninth inning of Detroit's 5â4 loss to Boston at Briggs Stadium. Sammy White, Jim Mahoney and Ike Delock were the victims of his immaculate inning. When Bunning retired, he had the second-highest total of career strikeouts in Major League history; he is currently 17th. As a member of the Phillies, Bunning pitched the seventh perfect game in Major League Baseball history on June 21, 1964, against the New York Mets. He was inducted into the National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum in 1996.
Detroit Tigers (1955â1963)
Philadelphia Phillies (1964â1967)
Pittsburgh Pirates (1968â1969)
Los Angeles Dodgers (1969)
Philadelphia Phillies (1970â1971)
9Ã All-Star (1957, 1959, 1961â1964, 1966)
AL wins leader (1957)
3Ã Strikeout leader (1959, 1960, 1967)
Pitched a perfect game on June 21, 1964
Pitched a no-hitter on July 20, 1958
Philadelphia Phillies #14 retired
Sent him 2 photos on 22 Dec '15 and got both back signed on 18 Apr.. Did not write H O F..
Mr Jim Bunning
4 Fairway Dr.
Southgate, KY. 41071-3022 |
Kommentare hinzufügen | 1 Kommentar
Jim Bunning SUCCESS - 20. September 2014 Sent Jim Bunning a LOR, his 1959 Topps card, and a SASE on 9/8/14 and received back 9/18/14, only 10 days!!!
Address used:
4 Fairway Dr
Apt 64
Southgate, KY 41071
|  |
Kommentare hinzufügen | 1 Kommentar
Jim Bunning Success TTM - 24. Dezember 2013 Sent Jim Bunning a LOR and an 8x10 photo to the address below on 12-10-13 and received it back yesterday (12-23-13) signed with HOF 96 inscription. Ill include a picture of the envelope received back later when I get home. The stamps were not defaced. Anyone else ever have that happen?
Jim Bunning
4 Fairway Dr.
Apt 64
Southgate, KY 41071-3022
USA |  |
Kommentare hinzufügen | 6 kommentare