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Terry Moore Terry Moore
Fotos von Terry Moore (2007-05-22)
Terry Moore
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Geburtstag: 07. Januar 1929 Autogramm-galerie von Terry Moore
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Rückkopplung: 16/11/2023 >>>


Terry Moore
Moore-Cramer Productions, Inc.
833 Ocean Avenue
Apt 104
Santa Monica, CA 90403-1012
Vereinigte Staaten

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Moore-Cramer Productions, Inc.
833 Ocean Avenue
Apt 104
Santa Monica, CA 90403-1012
Vereinigte Staaten
Fone: (213) 804-2708

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Rückkopplung (Auf englisch):

terry moore actress playboy - 14. März 2024
this one was on my first returns i got in 2024. im new to this forum.

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Terry Moore Success - 16. November 2023
I sent an autograph request with letter, photo and sase around September and got one signed today! So happy to get one from a Batman legend! Address used in database. Terry Moore Moore-Cramer Productions, Inc. 833 Ocean Avenue Apt 104 Santa Monica, CA 90403-1012 USA

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Terry Moore Actress - 22. August 2019
Helen Luella Koford (born January 7, 1929 in Glendale, California), better known as Terry Moore, is an American film and television actress. She was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress for her performance in Come Back, Little Sheba (1952). She is one of the last surviving stars from the Golden Age of Hollywood.Her career received a boost when Columbia Pictures signed her to a long term contract. She had the lead in The Return of October (1948) with Glenn Ford, playing a character called Terry Moore and that became her stage name. Moore was borrowed by RKO to star in Mighty Joe Young (1949). George Pal cast her in The Great Rupert (1949) with Jimmy Durante. At Columbia she co starred with Mickey Rooney in He's a Cockeyed Wonder (1950) then she did Gambling House (1950) with Victor Mature at RKO. At Columbia Moore did Two of a Kind (1951), Sunny Side of the Street (1951), and The Barefoot Mailman (1951). She had an excellent part in Come Back, Little Sheba (1952), produced by Hal Wallis, with Burt Lancaster and Shirley Booth. Moore was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress. She had a cameo in the 1998 film remake of Mighty Joe Young, Charlize Theron played her part in the new version.. Sent her 2 photos on 4 Jun and got them back signed on 22 Aug. Ms Terry Moore c/o Moore - Cramer Production Inc 833 Ocean Ave Apt 104 Santa Monica. CA 90403

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