Fotos von Alexandra Kamp:
12-09-2019 'Das Special' SWR3 New Pop Festival (Baden Baden) Fotos
15-08-2012 'flimmer' Launches Online Portal (Berlin, Germany) Fotos
06-06-2012 The 40th International Emmy Awards - Semi Final Hosting () Fotos
17-04-2012 Berenberg ArtTalk 2012 () Fotos
27-03-2012 Alexandra Kamps Welcomes Spidercrabs At Aqua Dome & Sealife Berlin (Berlin, Germany) Fotos
08-08-2011 "Cowboys & Aliens" - Germany Premiere (, Berlin, Germany) Fotos
18-08-2010 Salt Germany Premiere (, Berlin, Germany) Fotos
17-03-2010 Russian Fashion Gala (, Berlin, Germany) Fotos
30-01-2010 Golden Kamera Award 2010 (, Berlin, Germany) Fotos
04-08-2009 Horst Schlaemmer Press Conference For "Isch Kandidiere!" (, Berlin, Germany) Fotos
05-07-2008 BMW Sailing Cup (, Berlin, Germany) Fotos
13-09-2007 Bertelsmann Party 2007 (, Berlin, Berlin Germany) Fotos
23-07-2007 2007 New Faces Award (, Dusseldorf, Germany) Fotos
27-03-2007 Felix Burda Awards - March 27, 2007 (The Ritz Carlton Hotel, Berlin, Berlin Germany) Fotos
13-09-2006 Vivienne Westwood hosts an intimate screening of Indicent at Ogala (Soho House, New York City, New York United States) Fotos

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