Fotos von Donald Petrie:
29-05-2009 "My Life In Ruins" Los Angeles Premiere - Arrivals (Zanuck Theater at 20th Century Fox Lot, Los Angeles, CA United States) Fotos
29-05-2009 Fox Searchlight Presents "My Life In Ruins" (Fox Studio Lot, Century City, CA United States) Fotos
28-05-2009 Film Independent - Preview Screening of "My Life in Ruins" (the Landmark Theater, Los Angeles, CA United States) Fotos
01-11-2007 My Life In Ruins - Cocktail Reception (, Santa Monica, CA United States) Fotos
09-05-2006 "Just My Luck" Los Angeles Premiere - After Party (W Hotel, Los Angeles, California United States) Fotos
09-05-2006 "Just My Luck" Los Angeles Premiere - Red Carpet (Los Angeles, California United States) Fotos
27-09-2005 Norman Jewison Book Signing hosted by Alain Dudoit, Consul General of Canada (Canadian Residence, Los Angeles, CA USA) Fotos

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