Fotos von Queen:
20-04-2007 The Royal Family Receive Spanish Writers - April 20, 2007 (The Royal Palace, Madrid, Spain) Fotos
09-04-2007 Queen Elizabeth II Attends 90th Anniversary of the Battle of Vimy Ridge - April 9, 2007 (Vimy, Lille, France) Fotos
05-04-2007 HM Queen Elizabeth II attends the Royal Maundy Service - April 5, 2007 (Manchester Cathedral, Manchester, Great Britain) Fotos
05-04-2007 Ivy Queen Speaks at John C. Fremont High School (John C. Fremont High School, Los Angeles, California United States) Fotos
02-04-2007 EMI/Apple DRM Free Download Launch - April 2, 2007 (EMI HQ, London, Great Britain) Fotos
29-03-2007 Queen Elizabeth II Visits National Tennis Centre (National Tennis Centre, Roehampton, London, Great Britain) Fotos
27-03-2007 HRH Queen Elizabeth ll Hosts Reception for UK Based Americans (Buckingham Palace, London, Great Britain) Fotos
27-03-2007 Protest during Bicentenary of the Abolition of the Slave Trade Act Service at Westminster Abbey (Westminster Abbey, London, Great Britain) Fotos
22-03-2007 HRH Queen Elizabeth II Receives the Ambassador of Hungary - March 22, 2007 (Buckingham Palace, London, Great Britain) Fotos
22-03-2007 HRH Queen Elizabeth II Visits the Forensic Science Department at East Berkshire College in Windsor - March 22, 2007 (East Berkshire College, Windsor, Great Britain) Fotos
20-03-2007 HM Queen Elizabeth II hosts Reception for Backbench MPs - March 20, 2007 (Buckingham Palace, London, Great Britain) Fotos
15-03-2007 ShoWest 2007 - New Line "Hairspray" Presentation - Photocall (Paris Hotel and Casino, Las Vegas, Nevada United States) Fotos
14-03-2007 2007 ShoWest - New Line "Hairspray" Presentation - Arrivals (Paris Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada United States) Fotos
14-03-2007 ShoWest 2007 - New Line "Hairspray" Presentation - Green Room (Paris Hotel and Casino, Las Vegas, Nevada United States) Fotos
13-03-2007 Ghana State Banquet at Buckingham Palace - March 13, 2007 (Buckingham Palace, London, Great Britain) Fotos
13-03-2007 President of Ghana on State visit to Great Britain - March 13, 2007 (Buckingham Palace, London, Great Britain) Fotos