Autogramme und fanpost von Amanda Seyfried (Seite 18 / 49):
Amanda Seyfried (Les Miserables and Red Riding Hood) Success - 26. März 2013 Sent another LOR, SASE and 3 photgraphs 2 weeks ago.
Recieved all pics signed and dedicated today.
Used address in database.
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Amanda Seyfried - Success - 26. März 2013 A lot of Amanda Seyfried successes have been posted lately, but never mind. She really seems to be a great signer. I sent her 2 photos which she both signed.
The addy I used is the one from the database.
2/10/2013 - 3/23/2013
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Amanda Seyfried Success! - 26. März 2013 I sent a LOR and a magazine clipping a few weeks ago, recieved a few days ago. ^_^ Theres a tiny bend in the bottom right corner, but im still super happy.
Oops, and I forgot to add that I used the mailbox pack & ship address! |
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Amanda Seyfried - 25. März 2013 Hello all,
I have always been a big fan of Amandas after Mean Girls and also loved seeing her in Red Riding Hood, In Time, and Les Mis!
I sent a letter, SASE, and three photos to Amanda & recieved them all back personlized and signed Even though one of the autographs smugged all the way off, I am really happy with this success! Amanda is really great to her fans!
Amanda Seyfried
Mailbox Pack & Ship
PMB 216
3140 Tilghman Street
Suite B
Allentown, PA 18104
photo 1:
photo 2:
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Amanda Seyfried personalized success:) - 25. März 2013 Sent: Jan 2013(LOR, SAE, 1 photo)
Receive: 25/3/2013(A photo personally signed in my SAE)
So cool! Shes so kind to every single one of her fans as she even paid the postage!!
Address used:
Amanda Seyfried
Mailbox Pack & Ship
PMB 216
3140 Tilghman Street
Suite B
Allentown, PA 18104
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