Autogramme und fanpost von Conrad Vernon (Seite 1 / 1):
Conrad Vernon Success! GINGY FROM SHREK! - 16. Mai 2014 this is one of the cutest autographs I have ever received!
I sent a Letter,SAE,LOR,2 photos and DvD cover on the 30th April 2014
I received All my items Signed
I sent to the address in the database
Only Took a few weeks to get to
Conrad Vernon Success - 11. November 2013 I received a wonderful success from the voice of Shreks Gingy: Conrad Vernon! On September 16th 2013 I mailed two photos, a trading card, and a self-addressed stamped envelope to
Conrad Vernon
c/o Dreamworks Animation
1100 Flower St
Glendale CA 91201
and on November 9th 2013 received all three things back signed! This is an awesome success!
Scanned photos can be found at ... ernon.html
~Peters Autographs
Conrad Vernon (Gingerbread Man in Shrek) Success! - 22. April 2013 Conrad Vernon signed my two trading cards. I am pleased to add him to my voice actor collection.
Address Used:
c/o Dreamworks Animation
1100 Flower St
Glendale CA 91201
Sent: 3/7/2013
Received: 3/28/2013