Autogramme und fanpost von Coronation Street (Seite 42 / 58):
Julie Hesmondhalgh 3 successes in one ( Coronation Street) - 07. März 2013 I sent three seperate requests to Julie, one with a photo from when I met her, the second was a Q+A I sent, and the third was another photo from when I met her, as well as 12 others in one envelope on: 4th January 2013, the first two were sent on the 4th January and the third was sent as well as 8 others in one envelope on Tuesday I recieved my photos back signed and personalized, also my photos back signed and personalized, she also sent my other stamps back unused and cut them off the other SAEs.
address I used was:
Coronation Street,
Granada Television Studios,
Quay Street,
M60 9EA
Here are the pics: -
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Stephanie Cole success ( Coronation Street) - 06. März 2013 I sent a letter and SAE to Stephanie as well as 9 others in one envelope on: 14th January 2013, and yesterday I recieved this signed and personalized photo back from her.
address i used was:
Coronation Street,
Granada Television Studios,
Quay Street,
M60 9EA
Here is the pic: - | |
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Stephanie Cole Q+A success ( Coronation Street) - 06. März 2013 I sent a letter asking some questions, and SAE to Stephanie as well as 9 others in one envelope on: 14th January 2013, and yesterday I recieved my Q+A back answered.
address i used was:
Coronation Street,
Granada Television Studios,
Quay Street,
M60 9EA
Here is the pic: - | |
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Andrew Whyment success ( Coronation Street) - 01. März 2013 I sent a photo from when I met him, letter and SAE to Andy as well as 6 others in one envelope on: 25th February 2013, and today I recieved my photo back signed and personalized
address i used was:
Coronation Street,
Granda Television Studios,
Quay Street,
M60 9EA
Here is the pic: - | |
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Lisa George Q+A success ( Coronation Street) - 27. Februar 2013 I sent a letter asking some questions and SAE to Lisa as well as 11 others in one envelope on: 20th February 2013, and today I recieved my Q+A back answered.
address i used was:
Coronation Street,
Granada Television Studios,
Quay Street,
M60 9EA
Here is the pic: - | |
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