Eddie Robinson - Former White Sox - Success - 15. Juli 2012 Sent card and SASE to him on 6/6/12 with $5 required donation. Recd it back on 7/15/12 signed.
Mailed to:
6104 Cholla Dr Fort Worth , TX 76112
Eddie Robinson ROMLB Success!!!! - 08. Februar 2012 I sent Eddie Robinson a ROMLB back in November and received it today just how I wanted. He wished for a $10 donation and I enclosed $15 to give him the insentive to give some inscriptions. Ball came back PERFECT!!!!! This man has been in baseball of 65 Years
Inscriptions are:
51 Whitesox
48 WS Champs
4 X AS 49, 51-53
http://www.flickr.com/photos/76198001 at N03/6841582967/in/photostream