Autogramme und fanpost von Emeli Sande (Seite 1 / 4):
Emeli Sande - Email Success - 14. Juli 2013 I sent an email to Emeli's manager asking for a signed picture in March (22nd according to the email) and received a picture at the beginning of April it was a pre print sadly but her manager did spray some perfume so all is well!
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Emeli Sande Preprint success - 22. April 2013 Sent an email to Emeli sandes management (info AT
Sent: 14th April (they sent an email backk saying it was in the post)
Received: 22nd April with a nice preprint *I know its not actually signed so dont comment that*
Envelope + Preprint
Uploaded with ###://
letter (thing)
Uploaded with ###:// |   |
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Emeli Sande PP success! - 10. Dezember 2012
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Emeli Sande PP Email Success - 08. November 2012 Sent email on 21st October to info at (got the email from Emili Sandes Facebook Page)
Recieved email back on the 1st November basically saying Thank you for your comments these will be passed on to Emili, Sorry we are not allowed to send you a real autograph as we get too much and it would be too much for Emili to sign and that she will send me a Pre-Printed photo to make up for this
Recieved Pre-Printed Photo in the mail on the 7th November (17 days)
Pre-Printed photo:
SAM |   |
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Emeli Sande Email Success! - 29. September 2012 Hi!
I sent an email to Emelis management they replied and told me that theyd send me a pre print but for an email it was good! It took about 2 or 3 weeks
Comments are welcome!
picture with envelope
picture on its own
Comments are welcome
(Sorry for uploading so many successes at once, I forgot to upload loads of them ) |   |
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