Autogramme und fanpost von Finlay Robertson (Seite 1 / 1):
Finlay Robertson Dr Who Script Success DON'T BLINK!! - 30. Oktober 2013 I got in touch with Finlay via email (can't share that as it's his personal account), but prior to that I used his agent's address and he is repped by Independent in London (40 Whitfield St...etc)
Sent 16/10/13, Received 30/10/13
Script excepts from the Iconic Dr Who episode "Blink" signed by Finlay with "Don't Blink!" added.
Pic here >>
RM |
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Finlay Robertson SUCCESS - Seriously Cool Script :D - 22. September 2012 Sent 21/7 via ITG London (Oxford House, 76 Oxford St, W1D 1BS)
Finlay Robertson - Actor/Writer
Finlay appeared in, among other roles, as Larry Nightingale in the iconic Dr Who episode "Blink" in Series 3. This was one of the popular "Doctor-Lite" episodes, and revolved around Sally Sparrow, and the introduction of the Weeping Angels
Received as a birthday present mail item yesterday, 21/9 was...
2 x Signed Xmas Cards
2 x Signed Dr Who Artworks
8 x Signed Dr Who Trading Cards
A copy of his read through script for the episode, complete with casting watermarks and his lines highlighted. He also added a white sheet front which has a message to whoever ends up owning the script... totally amazing!
Pic here >>>  |
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