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Autogramme und fanpost von Geoffrey Rush (Seite 20 / 22):

Geoffrey Rush (captain barbossa) SUCCESS x2!! - 07. September 2011
Today was a great day of successs, as I got a response from both Geoffrey and Shirley henderson! Im very happy about this one too. I sent him a LOR, SAE, Pirates of the Caribbean 3 DVD cover and a few dollars to cover shipping. He returned by DVD cover signed and personalized, but also provided his own 5x7 picture that was also signed and personalized. The picture he provided is really awesome especially considering I didnt even ask for another pic from him! But i was actually pretty surprised this even went through to him!! I only put 5 stamps on the letter i sent to him, and i later found out that wasnt enough so Ive been expecting a RTS due to lack of postage. So the post office must have let this one slip and sent it to him <img src= This was also a pretty quick turn around all things considered! I also used the address in the database. Sent: 8/5/11 Recieved: 9/7/11 The DVD Cover: - His picture: - Sorry, Im not posting a picture of the envelope. But there was no return address on it. It was post marked on 8/31/11

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Geoffrey Rush Success!! - 07. September 2011
Today one of my friends called me and told me we received a letter (as we posted her address) I told her to open it as Im in other city right now, and it was from Geoffrey Rush! But he only sent me a picture and he filled my questionnaire. He didnt send a picture to her, so she is really dissapointed! I dont understand what happened. I cant post scans as I havent see it yet, I will see it on Friday and I will post the pictures. Im really happy with this as hes really nice to his fans, but also I feel sorry for my friend. Sent: 12/07/11 Two letters and a questionnaire. Received: 07/09/11 One signed picture and he answered my questionnaire. Address: Geoffrey Rush Shanahan Management Pty Ltd. P.O. Box 1509 Darlinghurst, NSW 1300 Australia Picture he sent me: - Back of the picture: - Questionnaire: - Back: - Sorry for my English!

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Geoffrey Rush success - 07. September 2011
I sent a 2 pics, letter and SAE with what I thought were Austrailan Stamps, but it turns out they were French Stamps to Geoffrey on: 9th August 2011, and today I recieved my pics back signed, plus he put he put Austrailan postage on instead. <img src= address I used was: Geoffrey Rush, c/o Shanaham Management Pty Ltd, Level 3, 91, Campbell Street, Surry Hills NSW 2010 AUSTRALIA Here are the pics:

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Geoffrey Rush Nice Success! - 06. September 2011
Sent: July 21st Received: Today Address Used: Shanahan Management Pty Ltd. P.O. Box 1509 Darlinghurst, NSW 1300 Australia Pictures: - - - So happy to add these to my collection! I especially love the inscription on the first picture. <img src=

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Geoffrey Rush Feedback - 21. August 2011
I returned home from my holidays and found an envelope from Australia in my postbox. I was so excited and really - it was from Geoffrey Rush. He is such a brilliant actor and Im so happy. I received the answer between 08/08 and 08/20. I sent LOR, SAE, IRC, two photos and a little questionary and look what Ive got back! Isnt it great? I used the following address: Geoffrey Rush Shanahan Management Pty Ltd. P.O. Box 1509 Darlinghurst, NSW 1300 Australia Thanks so much fanmail! - -

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