Autogramme und fanpost von Jim Lonborg (Seite 2 / 3):
MLB Jim Lonborg Success - 24. Dezember 2016 Sent a LOR, SASE, and TC to :
Mr. James Lonborg
105 Webster Ave
Apt 102
Manover, MA 02339
Sent : 12/14/16
Received : 12/23/16 ... xx61i.html |
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Jim Lonborg - Red Sox SUCCESS!! - 15. Dezember 2014 Sent LOR and SASE at beginning of December, received signed card today post marked Brockton, MA.
Address used:
Jim Lonborg
105 Webster Street
Apt 102
Hanover, MA 02339 |
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Jim Lonborg (Red Sox, Phillies) success - 27. Juli 2013 Sent LOR and one card to be signed on 07/19/13 and today 07/27/13 I received the card back signed inscribed Cy Young '67
address used:
Jim Lonborg
105 Webster St
Apt 102
Hanover, MA 02339
sorry on scanner |
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Jim Lonborg - 07. April 2013 I sent a drawing to be signed to Jim Lonborg on March 28, 2013.
Success on April 6, 2013- 9 days later.
used address in the data base:
Jim Lonborg
105 Webster St Suite 102
Hanover MA 02339 | |
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Jim Lonborg SUCCESS! - 27. Februar 2013 On February 16 I sent a letter, picture, and SASE to Jim Lonborg and today (2/27) I received It back signed.
Address used:
Mr. Jim Lonborg
105 Webster Street Ste. 102
Hanover, MA 02339
A great success from a part of baseball history!
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