Autogramme und fanpost von Joan Rivers (Seite 15 / 20):
Joan Rivers Success - 10. Mai 2012 Sent a email to her via her website On may 3 I sent the email I recieved it today May 10 2012
it reads Jessica Good luck
Joan Rivers success - 05. April 2012 I sent an email via her website on: 7th February 2012, a few days later, I recieved an email, saying she would send me a photo, and today I recieved this signed and personalized photo back from her.
Here is the pic: -
Joan Rivers Success - 29. März 2012 Hello,
Today I received a success from the talented and funny Ms. Joan Rivers
Sent: Jan 27, LOR SASE
address used
P.O. Box 1150
F.D.R. Station
New York, NY 10150
Received: 2 signed photos, one for me and one for my niece in my SASE
Sorry do not have envelope