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Autogramme und fanpost von Joanne Woodward (Seite 1 / 1):

Joanne Woodward RTS! - 30. März 2017
I had given up on any hope of getting Ms. Woodward's autograph after hearing that she was ill, but after hearing about other people's very recent successes I decided to go ahead and try to send her a letter. It came back RTS today, labeled 'Unable to Forward'. <img src= " title="Crying or Very sad" /> If anyone has another address that they've gotten a success with I'd love to have it, but frankly I doubt that one exists and I should probably just give up on this one. It's too bad because I'm such a huge fan. Sent: 3/15/17 Received: 3/30/17 ... 446pu.html I sent a photo, letter of request, and a self-addressed envelope to: Joanne Woodward Newman's Own 246 Post Rd E Suite 308 Westport, CT 06880-3615 USA Thanks anyway, Fanmail! <img src=

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Joanne Woodward Success - 22. September 2012
Joanne Woodward Newman's Own 246 Post Rd E Suite 308 Westport, CT 06880-3615 Sent: 6-12-12 Rec: 8-24-12

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Got my Joanne Woodward today!! - 20. Januar 2012
I mailed Ms. Woodward a photograph and letter in August of last year. There was a big storm that hit the east coast about that time. I figured my photo blew off the mail truck never to be seen again! LOL I received it back today autographed. Address used: 246 Post Rd E Suite 308 Westport, CT 06880

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Joanne Woodward - 18. Januar 2012
Send on 21/12/11 LOR , SASE and 2 photos . On 17/01/12 I recieved my photos signed <img src= c/o Newmans Own 246 Post Road East Westport, CT 06880 USA photo 1 : photo 2 :

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