Judi Dench email success - 03. April 2015 i sended a mail to Email at julianbelfrage.com . After 1 and a half weeks, i got her autograph with a dedication. My second autoraph with a dedication. Very happy about this.
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Judi Dench email success - 03. April 2015 Hey! This time I've got a new email autograph from excellent british actress Judi Dench. I am so proud of it. I love her in all James Bond movies. In my opinion she was the best M ever.
Sent: 02/12/2015
Received: 02/16/2015
Email Address: { Email Address }
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Photo can be found on my blog:
http://surfmypictures.com/image/dfd461f ... 4fo75.html
Dame Judi Dench (e-mail) SUCCESS!!! - 27. März 2015 Sent to: (email AT julianbelfrage.co.uk)
Date sent: March 13, 2015
Received: March 24, 2015 (only 11 days to me on the East Coast of Canada!)