Dame Judi Dench email success - 14. Juni 2013 I emailed Dame Judi Denchs agent on the 31st of May. Today, on the 14th of June, I received a signed and personalised photo from her.
Pic and envelope:
Im so pleased with this. Im so happy its personalised too.
Dame Judi dench Brilliant Success (Personalised) - 11. Juni 2013 She was fantastic as M, on 28 May 2013 I sent off a letter of request, a photo and a SAE to the Julian Belfrage Associates, today I received my photo back personalised. Thanks Judi.
dame judi dench - 10. Mai 2013 sent 2 pics a a letter and s.a.e
posted out 7/5/13
posted back 10/5/13
both signed i used the address in the database
very happy with these and so fast from a amazing lady