Autogramme und fanpost von Robin Williams (Seite 9 / 11):
Robin Williams - Success! - 27. März 2012 I sent Mr. Williams a letter with two photos on 18th January 2012 to:
1 Blackfield Dr.
Suite 409
Belvedere-Tiburon, CA 94920
I received my both photos back today - both are signed, plus one signed photo added! So Im absolutely happy!!
Robin Williams - 26. März 2012 Sent: only letter, oct. 2011
Received: today 1 photo signed
Robin Williams
1 Blackfield Dr.
Suite 409
Belvedere-Tiburon, CA 94920
Robin Williams Success - 23. Februar 2012 Send him another 2 photos to get them signed for my wife and my mother in law...success after 2 weeks of wait time.
Robin Williams x 4 - 15. Oktober 2011 sent request to Robin Williams 45 days ago and received yesterday the 4 photos signed (definitely secretarial IMO) and a note
see the signed photos and the envelope: ... er-of.html
address I used:
Robin Williams
1 Blackfield Dr.
Suite 409
Belvedere-Tiburon, CA 94920
all comments on the signatures are welcomed