Autogramme und fanpost von Roy Jefferson (Seite 2 / 2):
Roy Jefferson Success - 01. Juni 2015 Mailed out two items to Mr Jefferson on 5/16/2015 and received them back today 6/1/2015 and he included one as well.
8813 Queen Elizabeth Blvd. Annandale, VA 22003 USA
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Roy Jefferson (Frmr Colts, Redskins WR) success!! - 24. Februar 2012 On 1/23/12, I sent a letter, card and SASE to Roy Jefferson - A great wide receiver who played for the Colts when they won the Super Bowl, the Redskins and Steelers. On 2/24/12 the card arrived, signed and personalized. He also included one of his business cards. Awesome success because I had almost given up finding an address for him. Had to do a bit of research and hunting, but finally found him. It is a personal address, so I wont post it here. His web site is
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