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Autogramme und fanpost von Stan White (Seite 1 / 1):

NFL Stan White Success - 27. Dezember 2023
Sent a LOR, SASE and 6 TCs to: Stan White 10716 Pot Springs Rd Cockeysville, MD 21030-3021 Sent: 12/15/22 Received: 12/27/23

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Stan White, Baltimore Colts LB, Success - 08. August 2016
I sent Mr. White a letter, 8x10 photo, Blue Sharpie, and a SASE on 8/1/16, addressed to: 10716 Pot Spring Road, Cockysville, MD 21030-3021. SASE returned 8/8/16 with 8x10 signed in blue, with #53, and Baltimore Colts added. Mr. White also signed my letter, and added two Bible verses to it. Nice quick return, sorry no photo.

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Former NFL LB Stan White success - 17. Februar 2015
Drafted in 1972 and retiring in 1982, White played for the Baltimore Colts and the Detroit Lions. White scored two touchdowns, both from interception returns and both for the Colts; the first was in 1973 against the Houston Oilers from a Dan Pastorini interception, the second coming against the New York Giants from a Craig Morton interception in 1975. Was a Football News 1st Team All NFL linebacker in 1975 and a New York Daily News 1st team ALL NFL Linebacker in 1977. Still holds single season NFL record for linebackers of 8 interceptions (1975)and is 2nd All Time for linebackers with 34 career interceptions. He is 3rd All Time in turnovers for linebackers with 49 (behind Jack Ham and Ray Lewis) mailed card 9-2-14 received signed 11-14-14 used: private resident address Cockeysville, Md. ... vqjm8.html

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Stan White (Frmr Balt. Colts LB) success - 25. Mai 2012
On 10/5/11, I sent a letter, card and SASE to Stan White who played linebacker for the Baltimore Colts back in the 70s. I had actually sent the card to an address which I thought was his several months earlier, but that Stan White had actually been a quarterback for Auburn University (He actually sent me an 8X11 autographed photo of him along with my card of the Colts Stan White and my SASE - Great guy). Anyway, I finally found out that the Colts White worked for WBAL so I sent him the card. It arrived on 5/24/12 autographed along with a note on my letter. Very cool success. I sent it t0: WBAL, 3800 Hooper Ave., Baltimore, MD 21211 I have been collecting autographs from former Colts and have had TTM successes with: Raul Allegre, Tim Berra, Norm Bulaich, Raymond Chester, Dan Dickel, Tony Dungy, Sam Havrilak, Ted Hendricks, Roy Hilton, Roy Jefferson, Jerry Logan, Tom Matte, Don McCauley, Ken Mendenhall, Lydell Mitchell, Earl Morrall, Jim OBrien, Glenn Ressler, Cotton Speyrer, Charlie Stukes, and Rick Volk. I have searched and cannot find addresses for the following. If you have any, I would appreciate your help: Curtis Dickey(RB), Fred Hoaglin (C), Cornelius Johnson (G), Tom Drougas (T), Bob Vogel (T), Jim Bailey (DT), Mike Curtis (Mlb), Ray May (LB) and Rex Kern (CB). -

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Stan White (Frmer Auburn QB) unexpected success!! - 02. September 2011
One of my projects is getting cards autographed from former Baltimore Colts players of the 1970s. So I thought I had hunted down Stan White who played linebacker for the Colts. So I sent his a letter, card and SASE on 8/24/11. On 8/31/11, I received an envelope from State Farm Insurance, Stan White, agent. I was surprised to open the envelope and find an 8X11 autographed photo, not of the Stan White from the Colts, but the Stan White who led Auburn to the 1993 undefeated season. He personalized the photo and put his number and years he was a qb. He also sent me card, letter and SASE for the other Stan White in the envelope. What a great guy. I remember him and his Auburn team and was thrilled to get the autographed photo. What a great thing for him to do, especially since it was a case of mistaken ID on my part. He has now become one of my favorite quarterbacks of all time. I sent it to: 5011 Ford Pkwy., Bessemer, AL 35022 -

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