Autogramme und fanpost von Tim Burton (Seite 9 / 9):
Tim burton / idol success - 07. Februar 2013 I have been a Tim burton fan for all of my life and today in the mail I got an autograph from him also a letter with common asked questions I dont care if its a fake it is everything to me
Letter sent : nov 2012
Received:feb 2013
I do not want oppions on if its real or fake ! So stop commenting plz and thank you only possitive comments !!
If u wanna see the autograph check out my tumblr
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TIM BURTON SUCCESS - 24. Oktober 2012 Hello,
Ive sent to mr Burton LOR, IRC, SASE and 2 photos Ive recived 1 photo extra and a general letter: answers-question. Ive used adress from date base - Tim Burtons productions.
2 silver signature is AP but I think the black one may be authentic.
Its autopen? |   |
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Tim Burton - 01. August 2012
By ###:// at 2012-08-01
By ###:// at 2012-08-01
Auto is on bottom right on the Choclater factory pic.
By ###:// at 2012-08-01 |    |
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Tim Burton Success! :) - 13. Juli 2012 Ive wanted this one for a LONG time...
I sent a letter to the address for his production company I believe a month or two ago, I think it was in L.A....
Today I got an envelope back with my US stamps crossed out and a Royal Mail thing instead (so it came from the UK). The photos are slightly smudged since they were not dry before shipping but thats ok because the fold out poster is fine.
I sent: 1 letter, a drawing, 3 photos/1 guide-fold out poster protective sleeve SASE & this was my second try.
Recd: 3 photos, 1 guide signed + FAQ letter
Please dont remove my pics with out asking. xo
Looking online Im not sure if its authentic now but I think its cool either way.      |
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