Autogramme und fanpost von Tony Blair (Seite 9 / 9):
Tony Blair authentic Success - 12. Oktober 2013 3 months ago I sent off 4 8x10 photos to Ex-Prime Minister Tony Blair along with a long letter and an SASE. One of the photos had already been signed by another Ex-Prime Minister, John Major, so in my letter I explained that if Mr.Blair wasnt able to personally sign my photos Id prefer it if they didnt add the auto penned autograph and just return my photos unsigned. I am planning on having that photo signed by Gordon Brown and David Cameron/Nick Clegg over the next few years. I used the address in the database.
Check out my website:
Tony Blair Failure - 24. Januar 2013 I sent an LOR requesting a signed Bookplate and an SASE to the address in the database for Tony Blair on 15/1/12 and today I received the usual PP photo in a different envelope. My SASE was not returned.
No photo.
Tony Blair Email Success!! - 30. August 2011 request sent: early July(the postmark said July 5th)
received: Aug 28th
very happy with this success wether its pp or not.
Tony Blair SUCCESS - 18. November 2008 E-mailed the contact e-mail on his site on 10-05-08, received personalized auto 5x7 today, 11-17-08. Probably secretarial, anyone know? But still cool.