Autogramme und fanpost von Wet Wet Wet (Seite 1 / 1):
Marti Pellow Wet Wet Wet AMAZING success :) - 30. Mai 2011 SENT: 19 Feb 2011 LOR SSAE cd slick, 8x10, 45 single sleeve which was also poster pack
RCVD: 30 May 2011 Everything returned autographed & dedicated PLUS an additional autographed 6x4 so a total of 5 items!!! ( as the 45 was part of a poster pack I did not think he would sign the 45 & the poster but he did!!)
Also very professional operation as I received an email from his manager 2 weeks ago apologising for the delay in response & telling me he took the items to Martis performance that night of Jekyll & Hyde which he is apparing in, and got him to sign everything after the show and it was on its way & also thanked me for my continued long time support of his career!
Absolutely thrilled with this as Wet Wet Wet is one of my favorite bands and Marti one of my very favorite male singers. Guess it was worth keeping my old 45 from 1989 - now its absolutely priceless!!!!
Marti Pellow
Arlon Music
St. Martins House
59 St. Martin¹s Lane
London WC2N 4JS
http://autographcollectorofoz.blogspot. ... t-wet.html
my ssae: